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Last Minute Caregiver Gifts

Did you wait until the last minute to find a gift for the caregiver in your life? No worries, there is still time.

The holidays are a perfect time to show gratitude. Caregiving is often a thankless job and sometimes it's just nice to know that you are appreciated. Most caregivers are not expecting expensive gifts or even a gift at all, so anything that will put a smile on their face or make their lives just a little easier will go a long way. Here are a few ideas for last minute gifts! Some don't require a trip to the store, some can easily be picked up at Walmart or a Ross/Marshall's type of store and some can be found on Amazon.

Gift of time

One of the easiest and most useful gifts for many caregivers is the gift of time. Respite care is expensive, and sometimes a break is all we need. Volunteer to sit with the person they care for so they can go out and do whatever makes them happy.

Home Cooked Meal

There is nothing like a home cooked meal...cooked by someone else! Consider providing a full dinner for someone who likely never gets to have anyone cook for them. Make sure you bring drinks and eating utensils so they don't have to do anything but eat!

Cleaning Service

A cleaning service gift certificate is perfect for a caregiver. The gift of a clean house will provide your caregiver with a moment to relax and knock off one of the millions of things on their to do list.

Diffuser and Essential Oils

It has been said that aromatherapy has many health benefits. Boosting your energy and immune system, promoting good sleep, and creating a healthy environment are just a few. These are definitely things that would help a caregiver to improve overall wellness not just for them, but also for the person they are caring for. This is the most popular diffuser on Amazon and it's reasonably priced. Some of the best scents for stress relief are lavender, eucalyptus, rose, ylang ylang, vetiver, bergamot, spearmint, frankincense, and chamomile.

Restaurant Gift Card

Caregiving comes with a financial burden and eating out is usually a last option. Save your caregiver some time and work and treat them to a meal at their favorite restaurant. Amazon offers giftcards from a wide variety of spots around the country. Or just stop by Walgreens or CVS and grab a card off the rack.

Spafinder Giftcard

Spa gift cards make great gifts for caregivers. The benefits of spa services include relieving stress and pain. Spafinders gift cards are flexible and can be used for wellness, beauty, fitness and more. They can also be used at a number of locations around the country. Just enter your caregiver's zip code on the website, and make sure there is a spa near them.

Uber Eats/Grubhub/Door Dash Gift Certificate

One of the greatest inventions of this decade (in our opinion) is the food delivery service. Pizza and Chinese food are good, but you can now have food delivered from most of your favorite restaurants. As a caregiver, leaving the house can become a challenge. Being able to order food and not leave the comfort of your home is an awesome feeling. A gift card from any of these services is a win!

A Grandbox Subscription

We haven't gotten our hands on a Grandbox yet, but the concept sounds really cool so we thought we would share. The Grandbox is a care package developed specifically for your senior parents, grandparents, and loved ones. It includes at least FIVE full size items (no samples) along with your family photos and personalized note.   Click the link to find out more.


Candles are a last minute gift you can pick up at almost any store. Luckily, you can find candles in almost any price range and aromatherapy is a great stress reliever. These candles from Bonaco Candles make a great gift year round.

Gratitude Journal

Positive inspiration and gratitude can help rid the mind of negative thoughts. A gratitude journal helps your caregiver focus on the positive in their life. This 2 week guide is a self exploration journal designed to focus on being thankful for what we have, the big things in life, as well as the simple joys.


Let them choose! Ask the caregiver in your life what would be helpful to them. You can't go wrong with that!

Happy Holidays from Dementia Care Warriors!


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